PT Bakrie Telecom, Tbk is a fast growing telecommunication company, known with its products such as Esia, Wifone and Wimode, is seeking high qualified candidates for position:
Network Planning Engineer
Job Description:
* Assisting in Network Planning activities such as Network Design, New Technologies, RFP/RFQ process etc
* Coordination with various cross functional teams such as Sales & Marketing, Procurement, Engineering teams, etc
Have knowledge on
* Telecommunication signaling, such as SS7, Sigtran, SIP, H248
* Traffic engineering principle, such as Erlang, BHCA, CAPS
* Mobile telecommunication (CDMA)
* The call flow of MSC/VLR, HLR, BSC, IN/SCP
* VAS (value added services), such as VMS, SMSC, IVR, IN, CRBT
* IP technologies and networking
Have ability
* In writing of technical document, such as RFP (request for proposal)
* To analyze the traffic and network performance data for optimization the network
Please submit application letter and CV to :
Please put the code (Network Planning) on the e-mail subject. Only suitable candidates will be process.
Lowongan Kerja Di Bakrie Telecom
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Posted on
4:13 AM
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