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Job vagancy Senior Management Finance Department PT Tolan Tiga Indonesia

Lowongan Pekerjaan Terbaru, A well established Foreign Company in Plantation Industry is looking for a suitable candidate to join the wining team for the position:

Senior Management Finance Department
Code: HR-Recruitment / SM-FAD


1. Male / female
2. Age, maximum 40 years old
3. Background education minimum S1 Accounting with IP min. 2,8
4. Having experience minimum 10 years as Manager or Senior Manager in Finance, Accounting, Tax, Payroll, Insurance, General Ledger & other related administration especially in Plantation Industry (Estates/Factories). At least having subordinates 20 staffs
5. Having good skill in preparing Business plan, IFRS (International finance Report Standard), IAS-41 Valuation, PSAK No. 4 Consolidated Financial Statement, PSAK No. 24 Employee Benefit and PSAK No. 46 Accounting for Income Tax.
6. God interpersonal skill, managerial skill and be able to work under pressure with tight time schedule.
7. Fluency in English (oral and written) and computer literate
8. Honest, careful, accurate, loyal and objective
9. The right and successful candidate will be considered to become a General Manager in the Finance Department

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