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Lowongan kerja Kompas Gramedia Desember 2009

Kompas Gramedia is the largest media business group in Indonesia with a vision to become a global corporate player. Participate in our team and become the best with us. With wide-open career across business units Kompas Gramedia and attractive benefits. Various open positions throughout the Kompas Gramedia Function Unit, the Corporate Human Resources, Corporate Comptroller, and the Corporate IT & IS:


Job Description
  • Develop and build financial systems that can meet the needs of business units and train users to use it
  • Graduates S1 Accounting / Computer Accounting GPA min. 3.00
  • Double degree Accounting and Information Systems becomes value added
  • 2-3 years experience handling systems and financial procedures / accounting or working as a System Analyst
  • Have the ability to think conceptually good and sharp analysis
Kirimkan surat lamaran Anda melalui pos atau (cantumkan kode lowongan pada amplop ) disertai CV lengkap, pasfoto berwarna, fotokopi ijasah dan transkrip serta no telepon yang dapat dihubungi

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Tag : Lowongan Gramedia Desember, Lowongan Kompas desember, Lowongan Kompas Gramedia, Kompas Gramedia, Lowongan kerja terbaru,
