We seek teachers and staff for the following positions:
IGCSE Teachers: Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, English
KTSP Teachers: Foreign Language, Civics, Religion (Moslem), History, Bahasa Indonesia, Geography
Staff for School Operation: Administration Staffm Building and Facility Maintenance Staff, Librarian, Nurse
IGCSE teachers: Mathematics, Economics, ICT
Staff for School Operation: Public Relation and Student Admission, Building and Facility Maintenance Staff
General Requirement:
- University degree in the subject (teachers) or in related field (operation)
- Teaching experience in a high school in one or more of the above subjects (teachers) or 3 years in related field (operation)
- Good command of English language and the ability to apply information technology in education
- Enjoy working in a multi cultural environment
- Understanding of local culture
Submit application to:
Palembang application:
HR Department – SMAN Sumatera Selatan (Sampoerna Academy)
Jl. Jenderal Basuki Rahmat No.2050, Palembang 30127, Sumatera Selatan
Email: recruitment@smansumsel-sa.sch.id
(not exceed 300kb)
Malang Application
SMAN 10 Malang (Sampoerna Academy)
Jl. Danau Grati No.1, Perumnas Sawojajar, Malang 11290, Jawa Timur
Email: recruitment.sman10malang@gmail.com
(not exceed 300kb)
Please submit the application letter, CV and letter of references to arrive no later than 22 March 2010
State the title of the position on the envelope or the email.