A well established distribution company and manufacturing in building material & electrical home appliances, required potential candidate to fill the post of :
Quality Assurance Staff (QA)
(Jakarta Raya - China)
Age maximal 30 years old
Minimal S1 majoring in Electrical Engineering
Having minimal 2 years experience in the same field
Has a good analytical thinking and Honest
Know and could operate Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, and Power Point)
Fluent speak in Mandarin and English
Willing to be stationed in CHINA
Please send your CV and latest photo to :
Quality Control
Lowongan Quality Assurance Staff (QA) PT Kirin Griya Indotama - China
Lowongan Quality Assurance Staff (QA) PT Kirin Griya Indotama - China
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Work Hard Play Hard
Posted on
6:20 AM
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