Max. 28 years old
Graduate from Food Technology/Chemistry Science or Chemical Engineering
Have experience min. 3 year as R&D Analysis or Quality Assurance Staff
Have Knowledge of food processing, GHP, HACCP, & ISO 22000
Please send an updated Curriculum Vitae including photocopies of your education certificates and a recent passport size photograph
For further information visit
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PO BOX 8352 JKT 12083
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Quality Control
Lowongan R&D and QA Staff PT Eka Bogainti (Hoka-Hoka Bento) - Ciracas, Jakarta Timur
Lowongan R&D and QA Staff PT Eka Bogainti (Hoka-Hoka Bento) - Ciracas, Jakarta Timur
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Work Hard Play Hard
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6:40 AM
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