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Lowongan Kerja di Bidang Kimia

Founded in 1977, SK Engineering & Construction has accomplished continuous growth and development based on extensive technology and excellent management capability in many areas from housing, construction, civil engineering, plants to wireless mobile communication equipment, green incinerator and nuclear power plants.  SKEC is committed to becoming the top-tier company surpassing its current No. 1 position in Korea by acquiring the drive for the future growth.

We are looking for global family members to work in Seoul, Korea.
Join the ‘Great’ !!

Project Engineer
(Korea (South) - Head Quarter, Seoul, Korea)


SUMMARY:  This position requires min. 7 years working experience in EPC- Plant Projects
(i.e. Petrochemical, Refinery, Oil and Gas Plant). The candidate must possess excellent communication skills and with the ability to effectively coordinate multi-disciplines and support Project Engineering Manager  during the project execution.


Responsible for all activities pertaining to the assigned tasks as set by the Project Engineering Manager
Interface relevant task under the assigned responsibility with the client, subcontractors and the 3rdparty entity.
Assigned to visit project sites worldwide as required.
Participate in the determination of overall project needs and requirements in preparation for project close out reports.
Perform any other duties as directed by the Project Engineering Manager.

Candidate must possess Bachelor's Degree, Post Graduate Diploma, Professional Degree, Engineering (Chemical), Engineering (Mechanical) or equivalent.
At least 7 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Preferably Senior Executives specializing in Engineering - Chemical or equivalent.
Full-Time positions available.
Graduate in any BS Degree of Engineering.
With strong organizational, leadership and analytical skills.
Knowledgeable in Safety & health standards.
Well versed in the operation of computer system and application of software (MS Office and knowledge in Primavera is an advantage)
Must possess good leadership skills and with the ability to work with individuals from different cultural and national backgrounds
With good command in English both oral and written.
Must be flexible in traveling and working in different locations.

SK E&C Headquarter, Seoul, South Korea

Candidates are required to apply through our website by 24th July, 2011
Step 1: Visit http://www.skec.com
Step 2: Click “RECRUIT” menu and find the banner “SKEC(HQ KOREA)” (http://recruit.skec.com/skeci/)
Step 3: Refer to the instruction in the website and apply for suitable position

Applications through our website is only entertained.
Onlyshortlisted candidates will be notified.

== lowongan di bidang kimia lainnya ==

Supervisor Research & Development
(Jakarta Raya)


Melaksanakan tugas riset untuk pengembangan produk dan pembuatan produk baru.
Melakukan kegiatan riset
Melaporkan hasil riset
Membuat preparasi reagent, standard dan sample untuk analisis

S1 Teknik Kimia
Tidak buta warna (sebagian / total)
Bersedia ditempatkan di Pabrik / Laboratorium
Menguasai bahasa Inggris
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer.
Pekerja keras dan bekerjasama dalam team

Lamaran di tujukan ke :
PO BOX 4041/JKTM 12700
== lowongan di bidang kimia lainnya ==

PT. AGEL LANGGENG is consumer goods industry, looking for highly motivated and qualified human resource in the following positions :

QC Supervisor (QCS)
(Jawa Barat - Cikampek / Bekasi)


Age maximum 30 years old
Bachelor Degree from Food Technology/Chemistry/ Chemical Engineering
Having experience minimum 1 years in consumer goods
To be placed at Cikampek / Bekasi

Kindly send your update resume and latest photograph to:

== lowongan di bidang kimia lainnya ==

Kami Perusahaan yang sedang berkembang bergerak di bidang industry painting sedang membutuhkan kandidat dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:

(Jakarta dan Medan)


Berpendidikan Minimal SMA/ SEDERAJAT Jurusan Kimia.
Berpengalaman di bidang industri cat setidaknya 3 tahun.
Berdomisili di daerah Jakarta dan Medan.

Bagi anda yang memiliki kriteria tersebut diatas dapat langsung mengirimkan CV serta photo terbaru anda melalui email ke:

== lowongan di bidang kimia lainnya ==

Kami adalah perusahaan manufakturing terkemuka yang bergerak di bidang Peralatan Kesehatan, Peralatan Supermarket, Komponen Otomotif dan Metal Finishing mencari kandidat profesional muda yang dinamis untuk mengisi posisi :

(Tangerang - Cikarang)


Usia maksimal 30 tahun
Minimal D3 dari jurusan Kimia Analis / S1 Teknik Mesin dan Elektro dengan IPK 3.00
Pemahaman yang baik dalam gambar desain 2D/3D (AUTOCAD, CATIA atau SolidWorks)
Pengalaman dengan pemakaian atau pembuatan JIG FIXTURE dan DIES (T. Mesin )
Memiliki pengetahuan dan mampu menggunakan alat ukur (Kimia Analis Kimia / teknis)
Memahami desain dan program PLC serta mikrokontroller (Teknik Elektro).
Mampu melakukan analisis polimer dan kimia organik (D3 Kimia Analis)
Memiliki pengetahuan kerja yang kuat proses manufaktur dan barang mesin
Bersedia ditempatkan di Tangerang atau Cikarang

Kirimkan CV lengkap beserta foto terbaru ke:

Dharma Recruitment Assessment Center
Jl. Raya serang KM 24 Balaraja Tangerang
atau melalui email ke: recruitment@dp.dharmap.com
