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Lowongan Kerja Jurusan Agrikultur

We are a well established foreign conglomerate having business interest in palm oil plantations, breweries, financial services and leisure. GoodHope Asia Holdings Limited is the groups’ plantations in Indonesia who has a land bank in excess of 100,000 hectares of plantations and mills in several provinces of Indonesia. In line with our expansion plans and commitments for growth, we are now seeking to recruit high caliber and dynamic professionals to be placed in regions of Indonesia.

Manager - Mill [MM]
(Kalimantan Tengah - Sampit)


Able to develop new process techniques and procedures in order to maximize the production of CPO, Palm Kernel and Oil Extraction rates.
Able to prepare the budget for mill operations, ensure that the actual expenses are within the approved budget limit, reporting variance and initiate corrective actions for the variance noted
Able to manage the entire mill operations in an effective and efficient manner while ensuring that the optimum level of productivity is achieved.
Able to monitor the product quality and adoption of latest technology for improving the quality and the oil extraction ratio

Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree in Engineering (Chemical), Agriculture, Management or equivalent.
At least 5 year(s) of working experience in management level in Palm Oil industry
Articulate and able to make effective presentations; to communicate with those from different cultures.
Having a good English both spoken and written. Strong leadership and computer skills.
Technically competent and has a successful track record of implementing quality management system.

If you got what it takes to take on the challenge, please submit your application within two weeks indicating the job code of the post applied in the subject column to:


lowongan kerja jurusan agrikultur

Bimalindo, PT, a leading IT Consultant, based in Jakarta is a fast growing Company, established November 2007, commited to give the best service in Information Technology field based on major trend technologies to satisfy our customer's needs.

We concentrate on two major technologies, Microsoft .NET and Java based solutions. We provide professional consulting and custom solutions using our vast experience in software development.

Bimalindo is a perfect place for dynamic, energetic young people who love challenges. Explore more, develop more, get more with Bimalindo!!!

Manager Wilayah ( Estate Manager )
(Jakarta Raya)


Lulusan Sarjana pertanian/perikanan/peternakan
Mampu memimpin team ( +- 10 Staff lapangan, dengan luasan tanggungjawab
kerja up 4.500 ha, intercroping Kelapa Hibrida dan Nenas )
Berorientasi kepada target
Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
Dapat bekerja ssma di dalam team
Merencanakan dan mengimplentasi rencana Pemeliharaan dan Panen Divisi
Kelapa, Tanam hingga panen Divisi Nenas
Memonitor dan Mengevaluasi Pekerjaan Pemeliharaan hingga Panen Divisi
Kelapa dan Divisi Nenas
Bersedia tinggal di lokasi perkebunan
Mampu mengoperasikan program microsof office
Mampu berbahasa Inggris ( aktif/pasip )

Jika anda masuk pada criteria diatas, segera kirimkan CV anda ke:


dengan code EM dengan mencantumkan expected salary yang diharapkan.

lowongan kerja jurusan agrikultur

Senior Supervisor Forestry Operations (CODE : SFO)
(Nusa Tenggara Barat - Lombok)

Monitor and manage the implementation of the Annual Operational Plan to ensure monthly and annual targets are achieved.
Monitor the usage of materials and ensure the availability of all materials on time and in line with operational requirements.
Maintain operational costs within or less than Budget.
Monitor the SOP conformance of HTI Operations, field audit QC reports.
Present monthly reports to the Forestry Manager, highlighting SOP conformance failures and corrective actions required.
Ensure the full implementation of the Contractor Management System .
Identify training requirements within operations,  prepare Training Needs Requirement reports to Forestry Manager.
Organise and implement training as approved by Forestry Manager.

Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Forestry or 5 yrs work experience equivalent.
At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Applicants must be willing to work throughout Lombok.
Preferably Managers specializing in Forestry.
Have a strong background and experience in forestry silviculture.
Physically fit and healthy.
Can operate computer.
Full-Time positions available
lowongan kerja jurusan agrikultur
Makin Group merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bisnis kelapa sawit saat ini membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga profesional yang siap dan bersedia ditempatkan pada lokasi perkebunan kelapa sawit sebagai:

Chief Assistant-Estate (CAE)
(Jambi (Tebo), Kalimantan Timur (Kutai Timur))


Pendidikan minimal S1 Pertanian
Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun sebagai Chief Assistant – Estate yang bertanggung jawab mengelola kegiatan operasional perkebunan kelapa sawit seluas 2.500 Ha
Bersedia ditempatkan di Jambi (Tebo) dan Kalimantan Timur (Kutai Timur)
Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan
Memiliki kemauan untuk bekerja keras

Kirimkan aplikasi lamaran dan CV :



Jl KH Wahid Hasyim Kav. 188 - 190
Jakarta Pusat 10250
(Please put the code on the subject)

lowongan kerja jurusan agrikultur

Central Proteinaprima is a fully vertically integrated shrimp producer and processor, as well as Indonesia's market leader in shrimp fry, shrimp feed and fish feed production. Our products include frozen shrimp, shrimp feed, shrimp fry, probiotics, and fish feed.

Marketing Pakan Ikan (Bengkulu)


Lulusan S1 Perikanan, diutamakan dari jurusan Budidaya Perairan
Pria usia maksimal 30 tahun
Punya pengalaman kerja sebagai Sales/Marketing pakan ikan minimal 2 tahun
Bisa mengendari kendaraan bermotor ( mobil ) dan sudah mempunyai SIM A
Lebih diutamakan yang bertempat tinggal di sekitar wilayah tersebut
Mampu mengoperasikan computer (Microsoft Office)
