PT Advanced Career Indonesia
Contact person:
Company Web site:
Company description:
Advanced Career Indonesia is a leading provider of human resource capital, servicing clients' needs by providing them with temporary, contract and permanent resources.
The majority share holder of Advanced Career Indonesia is Empresaria Group PLC which has a turnover of over $ 180 million USD and has over 50 offices covering UK, Europe, America and Asia. The group commenced trading in 1988 and has developed since then, opening offices in Australia, Thailang, Japan and Indonesia. The group now employs over 200 consultants, all specialists in their field, working on clients' projects.
Our recruitment consultant are all highly trained and work unique specialist markets, which truly allows them to understand the needs of our clients and candidates both today and the future. What really makes us unique is the quality of our consultants and the size of our business.
Job Information
Job title: Entry Level
Job function: Customer Service
Job position: Call Centre
Work location: Jakarta
Level of education: Associate Degree
Major: Any
Work experience: At least 1 year
Offering salary: Not specified
Requirements: - Pria/wanita, usia maks. 35 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal Diploma 1 dengan IPK minimal 2,50
- Fresh Graduate/lebih disukai yang berpengalaman
- Memiliki suara yang jelas, mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik (tidak dialek daerah)
- Memiliki orientasi pelayanan terhadap pelanggan dengan baik
- Bersedia bekerja shifting
- Mampu bekerja dengan target
- Mau belajar, disiplin, motivasi tinggi dan dapat bekerja dengan tim
Job description: Menerima telepon dan menangani keluhan customer.
- Gaji Pokok
- Asuransi Kesehatan
- Overtime
- Insentif
- Tunjangan Shifting
- Tunjangan Taksi
- Jamsostek
Jika Anda memiliki kualifikasi tersebut, kirimkan CV anda ke:
PT Advanced Career Indonesia
Wisma Prima Lantai 3
Jl. Kapten Tendean No. 34
Mampang Prapatan
Jakarta Selatan
Telp: 79184282
Fax: 79184272
Atau email ke: atau
Info hubungi ke:
Attn to: Juana
Posting date: 17 October 2011
Closing date: 24 October 2011
PT Advanced Career Indonesia
Contact person:
Company Web site:
Company description:
Advanced Career Indonesia is a leading provider of human resource capital, servicing clients' needs by providing them with temporary, contract and permanent resources.
The majority share holder of Advanced Career Indonesia is Empresaria Group PLC which has a turnover of over $ 180 million USD and has over 50 offices covering UK, Europe, America and Asia. The group commenced trading in 1988 and has developed since then, opening offices in Australia, Thailang, Japan and Indonesia. The group now employs over 200 consultants, all specialists in their field, working on clients' projects.
Our recruitment consultant are all highly trained and work unique specialist markets, which truly allows them to understand the needs of our clients and candidates both today and the future. What really makes us unique is the quality of our consultants and the size of our business.
Job Information
Job title: Entry Level
Job function: Customer Service
Job position: Call Centre
Work location: Tangerang
Level of education: Associate Degree
Major: Any
Work experience: At least 1 year
Offering salary: Not specified
Requirements: - Pria/wanita, usia maks. 35 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal Diploma 1 dengan IPK minimal 2,50
- Fresh Graduate/lebih disukai yang berpengalaman
- Memiliki suara yang jelas, mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik (tidak dialek daerah)
- Memiliki orientasi pelayanan terhadap pelanggan dengan baik
- Bersedia bekerja shifting
- Mampu bekerja dengan target
- Mau belajar, disiplin, motivasi tinggi dan dapat bekerja dengan tim
Job description: Menerima telepon dan menangani keluhan customer.
- Gaji Pokok
- Asuransi Kesehatan
- Overtime
- Insentif
- Tunjangan Shifting
- Tunjangan Taksi
- Jamsostek
Jika Anda memiliki kualifikasi tersebut, kirimkan CV anda ke:
PT Advanced Career Indonesia
Wisma Prima Lantai 3
Jl. Kapten Tendean No. 34
Mampang Prapatan
Jakarta Selatan
Telp: 79184282
Fax: 79184272
Atau email ke: atau
Info hubungi ke:
Attn to: Juana
Posting date: 17 October 2011
Closing date: 24 October 2011