PT Parastar Echorindo
Nama kontak:
Norsida Ria
Web site perusahaan:
Deskripsi singkat perusahaan:
We are a national telecommunications distribution company in Indonesia with a well-developed network of 14 offices & more than 150 retail stores throughout the region, supported by strong channel distribution. Founded in 1994 we have grown to become an establishing company, unceasingly contributing to the telecommunications industry in Indonesia with becoming authorized dealer for NOKIA mobile phone and operator product Telkomsel.
Informasi Lowongan
Jabatan: Penyelia
Fungsi kerja: Akuntan Perpajakan
Posisi: System Quality Management Officer
Lokasi kerja: Jakarta
Jenjang pendidikan: Sarjana/S1
Jurusan: Akuntansi
Pengalaman kerja: Paling sedikit 1 tahun
Gaji yang ditawarkan: Tidak disebutkan
Persyaratan: - Age max. 28 years old
- Education min. Bachelor Degree from Accounting or Management with GPA min. 3.00
- Having knowledge and experience for business control and audit
- Having experience for making SOP (Standard Operational Procedure)
- Good analyzing and communication
- Good skill in English and computer program such as Ms. Office and Ms. Visio
- Position available are in Jakarta
If you meet the requirements above, please send your complete CV & recent photo including code position to:
Deskripsi pekerjaan: - To develop and strenghten system, SOP, and control related to operational function and support all sections in the company
- To Make flowcharts of a system and procedure to support existing and new procedure in the future
- To make naration of a system and procedure to support the completeness of existing and new procedure in the future
- To Lead the socialization process of company policy that have been made and to assure all related functions/departments get the information
- To actively involved in identifying the problems happened in all Business Units and to give the recommendation in order to improve the control, performance, efficiency also to minimize the risk and monitor the implementation
Tanggal pemasangan: 03 Oktober 2011
Tanggal penutupan: 17 Oktober 2011
PT Parastar Echorindo
Nama kontak:
Norsida Ria
Web site perusahaan:
Deskripsi singkat perusahaan:
We are a national telecommunications distribution company in Indonesia with a well-developed network of 14 offices & more than 150 retail stores throughout the region, supported by strong channel distribution. Founded in 1994 we have grown to become an establishing company, unceasingly contributing to the telecommunications industry in Indonesia with becoming authorized dealer for NOKIA mobile phone and operator product Telkomsel.
Informasi Lowongan
Jabatan: Koordinator
Fungsi kerja: Akuntan Perpajakan
Posisi: Tax Coordinator
Lokasi kerja: Jakarta
Jenjang pendidikan: Sarjana/S1
Jurusan: Akuntansi
Pengalaman kerja: Paling sedikit 1 tahun
Gaji yang ditawarkan: Tidak disebutkan
Persyaratan: - Age max. 30 years old
- Must possess at least Bachelor degree majoring in Accounting/Finance/Tax/Fiscal
- Having minimum 1 year experiences as Tax Coordinator/Senior Staff
- Preferably having experiences in retail industry
- Hold a Certified National Tax Consultant issued by IKPI (Brevet A & B) is preferred
- Have experience with Tax software (ESPT new version)
- Good written & spoken English
- Proficient in Microsoft Office (Excel, Word)
- Positions available are in Jakarta
If you meet the requirements above, please send your complete CV & recent photo including code position to:
Tanggal pemasangan: 03 Oktober 2011
Tanggal penutupan: 17 Oktober 2011