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Lowongan Kerja Bidang Asuransi

PT (Persero) Asuransi Ekspor Indonesia
Contact person:
Company Web site:

Company description:
In intention to increase non-oil and gas export, in 1985 Government of Indonesia founded PT (Persero) Asuransi Ekspor Indonesia (ASEI) with main business in insurance and guarantees to support non-oil and gas export development stipulated in Government Act No. 20 in 1983.
Different from other general insurance organization, ASEI has special product that covers exporter's and bank's risks which are payment default risk. Export Working Capital Loan disbursed by banks or export transaction from importer directly to exporter are being insured.
The idea to develop export credit insurance program is based on the policy that not only Sight L/C the exporters can use for international trade but also other terms and payments available with riskier aspect.
 Job Information
Job title: Entry Level
Job function: Actuary
Job position: Underwriting Staff
Work location: Jakarta
Level of education: Bachelor's Degree
Major: Any
Work experience: At least 1 year
Offering salary: Not specified
Requirements: - Male, age max. 35 years old
- Education min. Bachelor degree in any discipline from reputable university (GPA min. 3.00) with 3 years experiences or Master Degree with 1 year experience
- Preferable experience in Banking Industry as Account Officer (Lending)
- Fluent in English both oral and written
- Computer Literate minimum Microsoft Office (Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Power Point)
- Good analytical skills and detail oriented
- Good personality, positive attitude and team player

If you meet above requirements please send your application letter with a comprehensive CV, recent photograph and academic transcript (max. 2 MB) to:


*Put Underwriting Staff as an email subject.

Posting date: 27 January 2012
Closing date: 10 February 2012

PT Asuransi Raksa Pratikara
Contact person:
Syahni Firdaus
Company Web site:

Company description:
Asuransi Raksa merupakan asuransi kerugian kelanjutan dari Asuransi Artapala yang didirikan pada tahun 1975 serta telah mendapatkan sertifikasi ISO9002 pada tahun 2001. Asuransi Raksa didukung oleh reasuradur yang terbaik didunia dgn klien-klien perusahaan nasional serta berbagai produk asuransi yg inovatif. Asuransi Raksa selama sepuluh tahun terakhir berkembang dengan amat pesat. Pada saat ini Asuransi Raksa merupakan salah satu dari sepuluh perusahaan asuransi terbesar di Indonesia dalam hal perolehan premi bruto dan merupakan lima besar untuk asuransi kendaraan bermotor. Dalam rangka untuk terus mengembangkan pemasaran,produk serta meningkatkan jasa layanannya secara menyeluruh & terus menerus kepada nasabahnya,Asuransi Raksa juga tetap dlm komitmennya untuk membina & mengembangkan tenaga-tenaga professional yg sesuai dgn kebutuhan.Asuransi Raksa secara teratur mengirim stafnya mengikuti ujian pd Asosiasi Ahli Manajemen Asuransi Indonesia (AAMAI
 Job Information
Job title: Entry Level
Job function: Claims Department
Job position: Claim Staff
Work location: Malang
Level of education: Associate Degree
Major: Any
Work experience: Not required
Offering salary: Not specified
Requirements: - Pria
- Pendidikan min. D3
- Usia maksimal 25 tahun
- Memiliki SIM A dan C
- Bersedia ditempatkan di kantor cabang Malang, Jawa Timur

Posting date: 03 February 2012
Closing date: 12 February 2012
