Lowongan kerja, di PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, multinational companies in automative Industry are seeking for potential candidates to be employed in Engineering Area.
* University & Academy Graduate, Majoring from Industrial, Mecahnical, Electricla and Informatics Engineering.
* Preferably those with GPA > 3.00 ( Scale of 4.00 ) with strong involvement in organizational activities
* Preferably of age are max. 27 years old (University) and 25 years old (academy).
* Computer Literate min. Ms Office
* Fluent in English both oral & written (TOEFL min. 450)
* Having high willingness to learn
* Initiative and good analysis
* Hard worker and able to work under pressure.
Jurusan : Not described
Pengalaman : 0 tahun
info selengkapnya : Lowongan kerja Toyota
Posted : 06-July-2009 | valid tinggal 6 hari lagi