As such, the company has taken great care in selecting to work with the best technology principals, to ensure that the customers will have the best choice of solutions.In addition, all of the product offerings can be integrated with each other, in line with ASABA COMPUTER CENTRE business architecture model.
ASABA COMPUTER CENTRE also works with management consulting principals to provide services, which result in optimized business processes and effective people management.
Jabatan: Pemula
Fungsi kerja: TI, Programmer
Posisi: ASA-8 Oracle Developer
Lokasi kerja: Jakarta
Jenjang pendidikan: Diploma
Jurusan: Ilmu Komputer
Teknik Komputer
Teknik Informatika
Pengalaman kerja: Tidak diperlukan
Gaji yang ditawarkan: Tidak disebutkan
Persyaratan: Skill Set:
- Oracle ERP Financial Experience
- Oracle Developer 2000 Forms
- Oracle Developer 2000 Report Designer
- Oracle XML Publisher
- Pro*C
- Shell Program
- Conduct actual Application coding and testing (unit test)
- Development of Concurrent Program
- Development of Oracle Developer 2000 Forms
- Development of Reports using Oracle Developer 2000 Report Designer
- Development of Reports using Oracle XML Publisher
- Pro*C experience
- Shell Program Development
- Unit and Integration Test Execution
Tanggal penutupan: 26 April 2010